An analysis of soybean seeds prepared for sowing in the farms of the Tambov, Konstantinovsky and Ivanovo districts of the Amur Region was carried out. In the farms of the surveyed areas, in the structure of sown areas, the main soybean crop is cultivated, which constitutes a share in the structure of crop rotation of more than 70 %. For sowing, 9 varieties of soybean are prepared by the Soybean Institute and 2 varieties of breeding in Canada and Ukraine. Of the 9 varieties, 7 belong to medium ripe and 2 varieties to late ripe groups. The area of soybean sowing in the region is 70 % occupied by the breeding varieties of the Soybean Institute. The quality of the tested seeds of 9 soy varieties is not at the proper level. Of the 27 seed lots tested, 9 varieties of 10 lots (37%) belong to the second category (according to the purpose, these seeds of the second and third reproductions sown on seed plots of seed farms). Weather conditions in 2020 unfavorably developed on the quality of soybean grain harvesting. To improve the situation under the sowing of 2021, in the whole region, the share of elite soybean seeds, the production of the Soybean Institute, increased 1.8 times.
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