Research article
Issue: № 2 (30), 2023


Evaluation of varieties based on their genetically mediated ability to adapt to contrasting soil and climatic conditions is one of the most effective and environmental ways to increase potato yields, as well as profitability and quality of the final product. The specifics of the productivity formation in potato plants of perspective varieties of domestic breeding in the Republic of Tatarstan were studied. The plants were grown without irrigation. To evaluate adaptability and stability, the Kilchevsky and Khotyleva method as well as the biplot analysis were used. According to the breeding value of the genotype, the varieties of selection of the Tatar Agricultural Research Institute – Samba and Courtney, as well as the varieties of selection of the Leningrad Agricultural Research Institute – Charoit and Lomonosovsky were identified. Using the GGE biplot analysis method, it was found that the Samba variety (Xsr = 0.64 kg/bush) was the closest to the "ideal genotype" on the basis of productivity, which characterized it as highly productive with high stability of this trait. The varieties Vimpel (Xsr = 0.53 kg/bush), Meteor (Xsr = 0.49 kg /bush) and Charoit (Xsr = 0.54 kg/bush) were identified by good responsiveness to improving growing conditions. The Courtney variety was identified by its high resistance to adverse environmental factors (Xsr = 0.54 kg/bush). In drought conditions, the most successful were sora, the productivity of which depended mainly on the average weight of the tuber – Samba and Courtney. In 2017, with more favourable moisture indicators, varieties were identified, among which there were genotypes, the productivity of which was formed due to numerous tubers: Charoite, Pennant, Meteor, Lomonosovsky, Samba.

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