The article presents the results of the study of dye plants of the Aktobe region based on the analysis of their own long-term studies of the flora of the region. As a result of the analysis of the flora, 108 dye plants belonging to 71 genera and 36 families were identified. The study of the systematic diversity of dye plant species showed the predominance in the number of species of the subclasses Rosidae, Dilleniidae, Lamiidae, and among the families Rosaceae, Rubiaceae and Polygonaceae. The predominance in the number of species of such genera as Galium (13 species), Polygonum, Tamarix, Geranium by 4 species has been established. The clear dominance of polycarpic grasses in the spectrum of life forms of dye plants according to I.G. Serebryakov has been established. Polycarpics accounted for 47,2% of the dye plant species in the region. The analysis of the distribution of species by ecological groups showed the prevalence of the mesophilic group, which made up 61,1% of the total number of species.
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