An important role in increasing soybean production is to reduce indirect crop losses from grain crushing, especially when harvesting and processing crops. Experimental data on the content of crushing and microdamage in soybean grains obtained during combine harvesting are given. The agrotechnical assessment of soybean harvesting showed that when harvesting soybeans, the crushing value is at the level of 1.5... 4.8% and is a smaller percentage than in seeds prepared for sowing 3.2... 6.34%. It was determined that the percentage of crushing in seeds does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases in crushing by 1.32... 2.1 times and in microdamage from 1.34% to 5.89%. Crushed soybean grain in seeds makes an oilseed impurity by the value that increases the seeding rate. This part of the expensive seed material is needlessly sown in the soil. Micro-damage during sowing in the soil by 60% does not give seedlings. It is possible to prevent these losses when a combine harvester for collecting seed grain is introduced into production (Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2679508).
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