The current study conducts a vegetation experiment in order to study the effectiveness of foliar application for amaranth with a solution of humic substances on the accumulation of cadmium and lead in plants from calcareous soil. The experiment utilizes a humic preparation (HP) made from vermicompost. In the experiment, the calcareous soil had a neutral reaction of the medium, it is rich in organic matter with a high content of mobile phosphorus and medium content of mobile potassium. The variants of the experiment differed in the concentration of the humic preparation (0.002 and 0.0002 mg/l) and the number of plant treatments with the drug. The humic preparation was applied against the background of mineral fertilizers and separately. The treatment of amaranth with a humic preparation was carried out on 17th, 27th, 37th days after sowing. The foliar fertilization of amaranth with the solution of humic substances contributed to an increase in plant biomass when using mineral fertilizer and without it. This significantly reduced the lead content in plants when mineral fertilizers were not used; this effect was not observed when using mineral fertilizers When treating amaranth with a solution of humic substances, a decrease in the content of cadmium and its accumulation coefficients in plants was observed both against the background of the use of mineral fertilizers and in their absence. The cadmium content in amaranth plants on calcareous soil, in which mineral fertilizers were applied, was on average 2.8 times less than in the variants without fertilizers. The use of mineral fertilizers contributed to an increase in the removal of lead and cadmium by amaranth from calcareous soil.
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