Research article
Issue: № 1 (21), 2022


In a short–term field experiment, studies were carried out on the effectiveness of inoculation of chickpea seeds with symbiotic microbial strains. The soil is ordinary chernozem with an average supply of mineral nutrients and a neutral reaction of the environment. The high efficiency of microbial strains has been established, which improves the supply of plants with available forms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. An increase in the content of nitrate nitrogen is typical for the first half of the growing season, available phosphorus and mobile potassium – throughout the growing season. The symbiotic preparations increased the grain productivity by 0.30–0.34 t/ha, while the control yield was 1.51 t/ha. The collection of protein in this case increased by 0.49–0.74 c/ha.

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