Research article
Issue: № 1 (21), 2022


Sugar sorghum is an agricultural plant capable of generating a high content of water–soluble sugars in the juice of the stem (18–22%). Due to its biological characteristics, the cultivation of this crop opens up wide possibilities for use in various branches of the agro–industrial complex of arid regions of the world: it is an alternative source of raw materials in the preparation of rich and concentrated feeds used both in the food industry and as a renewable energy source. This article presents the results of the selection of starting material for the breeding of new F1 hybrids and varieties with a high content of both monosaccharides and disaccharides in the stem juice. The analysis of sugar content involved varieties, hybrids, and lines (93 in total) bred at the Institute of RosNIISK "Rossorgo". The study identifies samples with different ratios of mono– and disaccharides from 8,9:86,6% to 97,0:2,8%, respectively. To increase the sucrose content in the stem juice, it is proposed to involve the "Kapital" variety and the lines L–75, L–21, L–5, L–4 in the breeding process, in which the ratio of disaccharides is 17.74–19.18%, and monosaccharides – 1.89–3.38%. With the goal of conducting breeding in the trajectory of a high content of monosaccharides, the Chaika variety should be used, which is characterized by 13.76% of monosaccharides and an insignificant amount of disaccharides – 0.36% in acutely arid conditions of the year.

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