Research article
Issue: № 1 (17), 2021


The article presents the results of studying the dates and methods of sowing one of the most studied species Amaranthus cruentus L. for growing green mass and for grain in the soil and climatic conditions of the Chuvash Republic. For this purpose, the theoretically possible productivity of amaranth was initially found based on such climate factors as temperature conditions and moisture reserves of the growing season, and the accumulation of incoming solar energy by the crop. Further, the biological and morphological plants characteristics in different years of vegetation according to meteorological conditions were studied in field experiments and the yield of Amaranthus cruentus L. under three methods and three dates of sowing were determined. It has been established that amaranth for growing green mass can be sown in all the testing methods and at all dates, up to the end of June. The advantages of wide-row sowing methods (75 cm) and earlier sowing dates (May 25) for growing grain were identified.

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