Research article
Issue: № 1 (1), 2016


The article presents data on soybean yields in anthropogenically transformed peat soils of Polesye region. It is established that it can generate up to 4.0 t-/ha and dry matter up to 11.3 t/ha. Yield level is determined by the varietal characteristics, the degree of drawdown of the peat soil and agricultural technology complex. Biologically active substances (BAS) can be used for presowing treatment of seeds and its performance is not inferior biological preparations based on symbiotic bacteria. On average, the treatment options seeds BAS grain yield obtained is higher compared to the variants of pre-sowing seed inoculation with biopreparations based on symbiotic microorganisms. During the pre-sowing seed treatment with BAS on the background of the introduction of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer obtained yields were comparable with variants of nitrogen fertilizer: 2.16 t/ha (Р40К75) and 2.52 t/ha (Р80К150) vs 2.15 t/ha (N30+10Р40К75) and 2.41 t/ha (N30+10Р80К150), respectively. High efficiency was shown by water-soluble granular complex fertilizer ADOB Profit applied as foliar sprays. Grain yield on the options as in the pre-sowing seed inoculation with biopreparations and biologically active substances, was at 2.30-2.79 t/ha. the Use of biologically active substances for pre-sowing seed treatment or foliar feeding, as well as  ADOBE Profit allows to reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizers, and minimize the mineralization of organic matter of peat soils.

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