Research article
Issue: № 6 (26), 2022


Based on the results of light microscopic studies, a complete description of the reproductive cycle of common juniper in northern taiga is presented. The total duration of the reproductive cycle (from the laying of the primordial micro- and macrostrobiles to the complete histological differentiation of the embryo) in common juniper in northern taiga is 4 years. In the first year, the foundation and the beginning of differentiation of the primordial micro- and macrostrobiles happens. In the second year, the morphological differentiation of male generative organs is completed, as a result of microsporogenesis, unicellular microspores (pollen grain) are formed. There is forming of female sporogenic tissues, macrosporogenesis and the beginning of the forming of a nuclear gametophyte, pollination of receptive ovules occurs. In the third year, the formation of the nuclear gametophyte is completed, the cellular gametophyte is formed, the processes of oogenesis, fertilization, proembrio and early embryogenesis happen. In the fourth year, the processes of embryogenesis are completed, and the complete morphological differentiation of the embryo occurs.

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