Research article
Issue: № 6 (26), 2022


The article tells about algae as a unique source of valuable nutrition and technological products. Among the algae, there are highly productive species, the biomass productivity by several times surpasses record figures, reached when growing land plants. In addition, brown algae extracts contain a number of valuable biologically active compounds. Brown algae also contain algic acid, which is not digested by a human body, but performs an important function of body clearance of sodium, radioactive strontium and cadmium and potassium accumulation. Summarizing all known data in literature about edible usage of microphytes, the conclusion comes out that food products from brown algae concede to food products produced from land plants taking into account content and quality protein and carbohydrates composition. Nevertheless, they possess valuable properties which are lacked by plant food primary products of land origin.

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