Monuments of wooden architecture undergo biodegradation over time. It reduces their service life, causes large material losses and leads to their partial or complete loss as objects of cultural heritage. Wood-destroying fungi play a leading role in the biodegradation of wood. Traditional methods of protecting wood from wood-destroying fungi, such as constructive, antiseptic and mechanical, are of little use or ineffective for protecting monuments of wooden architecture, since they have a number of features as cultural heritage objects. At the same time the intensity and nature of wood biodegradation and the change in its physical and mechanical properties directly depend on the natural and climatic factors of the environment. The issue of studying the regularities of natural and climatic factors influence on the process of wood biodegradation is particularly relevant in the development of methods for protecting it from wood-destroying fungi. This is the purpose of this study. According to the results of the study, it was revealed that wood-destroying fungi ruin the cell walls of wood, which leads to a decrease in its physical and mechanical characteristics. The intensity and nature of biodegradation depend on the temperature and humidity of the air, as well as the moisture content of the wood. At a temperature of 18–36 °C, an air humidity of
75–100 %, and a wood moisture content of 23–70 %, the process of biodegradation proceeds most intensively.
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