Research article
Issue: № 4 (20), 2021


The purpose of the study is to examine the effectiveness of non-traditional feed additives in feeding growing sheep. The paper uses standard research methods in animal science. The inclusion of non-traditional feed additives in the diet of sheep during the feeding period allowed for improving the indicators of the availability of trace elements. At the beginning of the experiment, the live weight of sheep was almost the same. At the end of the experiment, it was found that the inclusion of non-traditional feed additives from local natural raw materials in the diet of sheep affected the indicators of live weight. According to the average daily increase in live weight, the sheep from the control group were inferior to the animals of the experimental groups by 34.15% and 3.65%. At the beginning and at the end of the experiment, the authors examined the clinical parameters of the body of the sheep. There was no significant difference between animals of different groups. At the same time, all clinical indicators of animals did not exceed the established norms, which proves the harmlessness of experimental feed additives. The experience data show the effectiveness and prospects of using non-traditional feed additives from local natural resources in feeding sheep in Yakutia.

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