The article deals with the issues of investment activity in the dairy cattle industry. Taking into account the strategy of livestock development in the Ivanovo region and the priority of dairy cattle breeding in the agriculture of the region, our Department together with the Ministry of agriculture of Russia, have significantly increased the targets of the state program for the production of milk and dairy herd productivity. The task is to increase milk production by at least 80% to 275,000 tons, which will be solved through the construction of new dairy complexes, the effective use of livestock, the retrofitting of dairy farms, increasing state support and the development of dairy processing. Grouping of districts of the Ivanovo region on economic development of production and sale of dairy products showed that only 3 districts of the region are the most stable. Gavrilovo-Posadskiy, Rodniki and Shuya areas are sustainable because they have enterprises that are actively engaged in investments in the industry, as well as the production and marketing of milk and dairy products. Restriction of activity of the enterprises which are in the territory of the Ivanovo region making the forged production and containing substitutes of dairy fats of a vegetable origin. Quality control should ensure the interests of consumers and improve the competitiveness of the dairy industry as a whole.
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