The mechanisms of activation of the immune defense of a macro-organism in response to the ingestion of pathogens of infectious genesis are of practical interest for medicine and veterinary science, in particular, for developing and improving biological drugs for treatment and prevention. Given the relevance of the problem of the efficiency of preventive vaccination of colibacillosis in animals, the most promising areas in biotechnology are singled out, and they include the creation of immune preparations based on toxoid components of E. coli. This way, the effectors of innate immunity — neutrophilic granulocytes — come to the forefront of the immune response, and the scenario of the immune response to antigenic irritation will largely depend on their regulatory function. In this regard, the aim of our research was to study functional parameters of neutrophils under antigenic load, in this case – inactivated toxins of E. coli. White rats were used for biological research, and their blood was taken on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th days after the immunization performed with the toxoid components of E. coli to study the phagocytic activity of neutrophils, their capturing and digesting ability, and in order to determine the index of completion of phagocytosis. In the course of the experiment, it was found that, generally, E. coli toxins activate phagocytic immunity in vaccinated rats. At the same time, a preparation containing LT, ST, STX-toxins of E. coli stimulates the phagocytic activity of neutrophilic granulocytes in the first days after administration in comparison with separate use of toxins. The digesting and capturing ability of neutrophils was most pronounced on the third day of the research. Afterwards, there was a decrease in the functional activity of cells.
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