Research article
Issue: № 3 (19), 2021


An important problem of fish farming in is the accumulation of organic matter and ammonia in the water reservoir. Breeding work in fish populations is carried out using both mass selection and individual selection in families (family selection). Data on the genetic characteristics of trout, such as natural polyploidy and high genetic variability at quantitative traits, are presented. The purpose of the review is to consider the issues of modern technology for fish breeding to show the fesibility of bacterial water purification during its recirculation in water systems, to summarize the latest achievements of genetics and biotechnology that have found application in industrial fish farming in the country. The review considers biotechnological solutions to the problem of the accumulation of organic substances and ammonia in water by fish breeding and selection of effective bacterial strains that make it possible to utilize these harmful substances, thus, reducing their concentration in water to an acceptable level. In this regard, the Dyadobacter sp. and Janthinobacterium sp., which, when used in combination, provide a comfortable environment for growing Rainbow Trout. At the same time, the concentration of ammonia in water declines from 13.2 ± 2.1 μg/ml to 8.8 ± 1.8 μg/ml, which meets the normative values. Thus, the review presents a detailed picture of the biological characteristics of trout fish, showing their potential for further genetic, breeding, and biotechnological research.

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