Liver is the main organ involved in the biotransformation of chemical compounds entering the body, including drugs.
Currently, to evaluate the effect of various xenobiotics on the liver, new schemes for inducing hepatopathies are being developed in order to study them further. Methods for determining hepatotoxicity in vitro are usually used to examine the damaging effects of drugs (including bio- and herbal ones) and other chemical agents to better understand the mechanisms of this phenomenon and identify the connection with potential hepatotoxicity in vivo.
The main object of this review is to consider and classify the main schemes of inducing various types of hepatopathy in an experiment.
A search was conducted for original research in the scientific databases elibrary, PubMed, Elsevier Science (Scopus) and Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) over the past 25 years using keywords such as "hepatotoxicity", "medicinal hepatotoxicity", "hepatotoxicants" and "xenobiotics with hepatotropic effects". The data obtained were ranked depending on the date of publication of the source and systematized.
Most scholars distinguish the following groups of experimental models of hepatotoxicity: chemically induced hepatotoxicity, drug-induced hepatotoxicity, induced with heavy metals and other methods of induction (not having a common foundation).
The liver, being a dynamic and vital organ, is actively involved in the multimetabolic functions of food, drugs, chemicals, biological agents and xenobiotics, as well as in the detoxification of viral and bacterial particles.
All the described experimental models are significant because they reveal the etiopathological aspects of liver damage. Moreover, these models are extremely useful for evaluating the effectiveness of various types of hepatoprotectors. Moreover, this review should be useful to scientists engaged in research in the field of hepatology, liver diseases and hepatoprotective drugs.
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