Research article
Issue: № 1 (17), 2021


The article summarizes the results of long-term selection work with flower and ornamental plants (Hippeastrum x hortorum, Iris x hybrida, Paeonia x hybrida, Chrysanthemum coreanum) in the South-Ural Botanical Garden-Institute of Ufa Federal Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences. The history of breeding development is presented. The main research methods (free pollination and artificial hybridization, interspecific and intervarietal) are described. The main task of selection is formulated: the study of introduced domestic and foreign cultivars, the selection of the best of them to create their own varieties with high winter hardiness, not susceptible to diseases and pests, with different flowering periods that fit into the growing season of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The characteristics of new varieties of Hippeastrum (Akademiya, Akbuzat, Bashkiriya, Velikiy Motsart, Galina Shipayeva, etc.), Iris (Akmulla, Amina, Zigalga, Inzer, Irendyk, etc.), Paeonia (Avrora, Arkaim, Iremel, Lyudmila Mironova, etc.) and Chrysanthemum (Direktor Z.Kh. Shigapov, Zagir Ismagilov, Pamyati E.V. Kucherova, Professor L.M. Abramova, etc.) are given. All new varieties of ornamental crops selected by SUBGI UFRC RAS are included in the State register of breeding achievements allowed for use. They have received patents and author's certificates. New varieties of flower and ornamental plants are recommended to supplement the zonal assortment of cultivated plants of the Republic of Bashkortostan. High decorative and economically valuable characteristics of the obtained cultivars make it possible to use them in urban gardening for the design of flowerbeds, group plantings, arrays, borders, rabatok, alpine slides, as well as to use them for cutting.

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