This work examines the specifics of the development of organic agricultural production as a possible tool for developing and improving the infrastructure of rural settlements, increasing employment and possibly improving life quality of the rural population in Siberia. It was established that organic agriculture in the today's regions of the Siberian Federal District can manifest itself in several forms: knowledge-intensive production, traditional forms of management, as well as the gathering and harvest of wild herbs. The development of organic production based on traditional practices and the stimulation of the gathering and harvest of wild plants would solve the social rural problems and give people a job as a source of income and an opportunity for self-realization. In combination with the significant natural resources of Siberia, the presence of carriers of knowledge, methods and techniques of agriculture and cattle breeding, allows talking about the advantages of the national republics of the Siberian Federal District in the field of organic production. Today, of all the regions of the SFD, only the Tomsk Oblast and the Altai Republic actively promote the use of wild herbs at the state level. However, without exception, the regions of Siberia have significant potential (natural resources, population, recreation) for the successful and effective development of eco-oriented agriculture. An increase in the share of "organic production" may have as an external effect the development of the infrastructure of a rural settlement, which will be used by other residents who are not engaged in this area, which can be used as part of a marketing strategy. Thus, the development of organic agriculture can affect both objective indicators of life quality of the rural population and the subjective perception of the current state of affairs by rural residents.
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