Research article
Issue: № 5 (25), 2022


Currently, phytoremediation is one of the promising methods for cleaning and restoring oil-contaminated lands. The use of microbiological preparations-oil destructors has also shown its effectiveness in remediation processes. However, the joint use of plant objects and microbiological preparations has not been studied enough. Thus, the search for microbial-plant associations consisting of a plant-phytoremediant, growth-stimulating microorganisms and microbes-destructors of oil hydrocarbons, the study of the mechanisms of their interaction and the effect of biological preparations on growth and physiological-biochemical processes in plants-phytoremediants, is one of the urgent tasks in the development technologies for reclamation of lands contaminated with oil and oil products. In this regard, we assessed the physiological and biochemical parameters of alfalfa plants against the background of the use of microbiological preparations under conditions of oil pollution of soils.

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