Research article
Issue: № 4 (24), 2022


Magnetic field is one of the possible physical factors influencing microbiological objects. At present, quite a lot of contradictory experimental data have been obtained characterizing the effect of magnetic fields of different frequencies and amplitudes on the process of reproduction of the yeast species Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this work, the influence of 90 kHz magnetic field with amplitude of 2 mT and 5 mT on the growth and survival of yeasts was studied. It has been established that yeast treatment in alternating magnetic field of 2 mT amplitude does not lead to a noticeable change in their activity and survival. An increase of the field amplitude up to 5 mT and treatment duration of more than 10 minutes leads to the death of impaired yeast cells. The latter conclusion may also implicitly confirm the hypothesis of a possible direct effect of the sub-megahertz band magnetic field when using magnetic hyperthermia in oncology.

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