Research article
Issue: № 4 (24), 2022


The article is dedicated to the assessment of the state and directions of agricultural development of the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District (NCFD). The analysis of specialization in the system of regional economic relations is carried out, the subjects of the NCFD are structured by gross regional product (GRP). In the territorial framework, GRP has a significant specificity due to the diversity of spatial, climatic, socio-economic, demographic conditions. The regions of the NCFD are among the five leaders in grain production, vegetable growing, horticulture, sheep and poultry husbandry. The evaluation of the state of agricultural potential and the analysis of the effectiveness of its use by manufactures have been carried out. In the district there was a distinct differentiation of the initial conditions indicators (capital-labor ratio, power supply capacity, power equipment and labor supply), as well as indicators of economic efficiency of agricultural activities, performance and balanced financial result. The region is characterized by relatively low economic efficiency, insufficient level of social development of rural areas and rural population's life quality. It is necessary and important to adjust the strategic directions for the development of agriculture in the North Caucasus Federal District for the period up to 2030, which are determined in accordance with the analysis of the fundamental statutory and regulatory and program documents of the state and tendencies of spatial development of the country, the federal district and its subjects for the period up to 2025–2040. Their implementation will facilitate an increase in the investments volume, an increase in production and in the level of marketability of production, an increase in revenue from the sales of crop and livestock products, the profitability of economic subjects and the share of profitable farms in the industry.

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