The widespread use of engines using petroleum products has led to increased pollution of air, soil and water. In modern conditions, biodiesel is a good alternative to petroleum fuels, which has several advantages. Biodiesel is biodegradable, nontoxic and environmental friendly. The use of biodiesel makes it possible to improve the ecological situation, reduce the environmental anthropogenic impact and decrease the emissions of carbon oxides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and sulfur oxides into the environment. Use of biodiesel facilitates storage and transportation of fuel and liquidation of accidental or emergency spills. However, biodiesel physicochemical properties do not quite meet the requirements for auxiliary diesel fuels. To change the properties of biodiesel, it is necessary to modify its composition. We have established the dependence of the properties of biodiesel on its composition, as well as the dependence of certain physicochemical parameters on temperature. Methods for changing the composition, and, consequently, the properties of biodiesel, are proposed: mixing with individual low molecular weight esters, gene modification of oil-containing plants, both higher and microalgae.
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