Glyphosate is one of the most common herbicides for use on various crops, including genetically engineered ones. At the same time, the maximum residue levels established for it (MRL) in food and feed products are higher than for most other pesticides. The data on its carcinogenic properties are contradictory, the Codex Alimentarius International Commission (CCA) developed the MRL from the standpoint of its lower risk in this regard. It has also been shown that glyphosate can cause disorders in the endocrine system and has a synergistic effect with adjuvants in its products, which can lead to negative effects in concentrations below those provided by MRL. It is also toxic to productive animals, disrupting the work of the intestines. Studies of glyphosate residues conducted in Russia have shown a high prevalence of contamination with glyphosate and its AMP metabolite of food and feed soybeans, honey, tea and cereals. Domestic MRLs are harmonized with MRLs of CCA. In view of the serious concern of the public about the risk from the use of glyphosate, we believe it is reasonable to make the risk evaluation processes and the establishment or modification of the MRL transparent, and the reporting materials accessible to at least all specialists in the field of food safety.
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