Research article
Issue: № 3 (23), 2022


The article provides information on the results of the study of the oil-destructive ability of the drug M-1. Currently, methods of biological purification (bioremediation) are used to clean oil-contaminated lands. Bioremediation provides almost complete decomposition of the pollutant to the state of water or carbon dioxide. The proposed preparation is effective for cleaning oil-contaminated soils with an average level of pollution. It is shown that the drug significantly reduces the concentration of petroleum products in all variants. At the studied levels of soil pollution, a high and rather rapid (in 30 days) decrease in the concentration of petroleum products is observed – up to 36,2–44,9% of the initial one. During 12 months of bioremediation under the action of the biodestructor M-1, there has been a significant decrease in the amount of petroleum products. At the studied levels of soil pollution, the residual pollution ranges from 13-16% of the initial pollution.

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