To study the asymmetry and shape, flag leaf plates of five triticale varieties were collected from plants grown on gray forest soils of the Suzdal Opole (Vladimir Oblast, Russia). Marks (50 pairs) were applied to the scanned image of leaves and morphogeometric dispersion analysis of variance was carried out, followed by the determination of fluctuating asymmetry by the Goodall's F-criterion. Additional indicators were the distances of the Procrustean space between the centres of the XY coordinate sets of the covariance matrix obtained by the interaction of the “leaf” and “side” variation sources. The length of the plates and the size of the centroid were the largest in the Scallop variety. Directional asymmetry was registered in most cases. Pure fluctuating asymmetry was obtained in the leaves of the Norman (F = 267; p <00001) and Helios (F = 399; p <00001) varieties, but Procrustean distances confirmed the high FA value only of the Norman one. The leaves of this variety differed from the leaves of others in asymmetry, especially significantly from the Slava variety (p <00001). Cluster analysis confirmed the isolation of the Norman variety and the high value of FA in Euclidean distances. The analysis of the genetic correlation by the form/asymmetry ratio showed that the Scallop and Dobry varieties are the most distant from others.
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