The biological properties of the soil are an important indicator of the impact of phytomelioration on the restoration of the fertility of saline lands. This aspect was studied at the station of the Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of Agro-BioTechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the example of the middle Baraba solonetz, which has been being occupied by fodder crops for more than 30 years. Cultivation of sweet clover crop rotation on middle solonetz and post-rotation grassing with brome and alfalfa led to an increase in the representation of bacterial classes and orders in the microbiome, associated with the mineralization activity of the soil in relation to nitrogen-containing substances and nitrogen fixation. The differences between the two variants of phytomelioration were manifested in the low bacterization of the grassed soil with verrucomicrobes and its similarity to virgin soil in the content of the main dominant Acidobacteria.
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