The most energy-consuming process on the farm is harvesting. The equipment used is quite expensive, so the process is accompanied by significant costs for the production and operation itself. At this stage of development, all work is done by machines. In connection with the restructuring of agricultural production and the creation of an extensive network of farms, leasing and joint-stock companies, an urgent task in the field of mechanization of agricultural production is the creation of small-sized mobile harvesting equipment that is cheap and affordable enough to purchase, as well as the creation of conditions for its rational use in the 70s of the last century, combine harvesters with coaxial rotary threshing and separating devices (MSO). The main idea of such a combination is to replace the bulky classical threshing system (MS), which includes a receiving beater, a threshing drum (less often two), a grinding beater and a straw cutter with a length of 4–6 m with one working body - an axial rotary MSU.
According to scientists and specialists [5], the axial-rotor MCU allowed to increase productivity, reduce the number of parts by up to 30%, simplify adjustment, reduce the dimensions and weight of the combine. The purpose of this work is to analyze the grain harvesting process, to study the threshing machine during grain harvesting used in this process. The objectives of this work are: to study the stages of grain harvesting; to study the conditions of grain harvesting processes; to study the equipment used in grain harvesting (threshing machine performance).
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