Research article
Issue: № 1 (17), 2021


Sustainable development of agriculture, increasing its productivity are inextricably linked with the intensification of the industry and the growth of its efficiency. One of the most important intensification factors is the use of a fertilizer system. The fertilizer system includes the selection of the best combinations of various types, forms and doses of fertilizers, applied at the optimal time and providing the maximum increase in yield from fertilizers directly in the year of use. At the same time, it should be noted that the most positive effect of fertilizers is manifested in the case when their use is put on a scientific basis, depending on the biological characteristics of the culture, variety and soil and climatic conditions. The correct use of fertilizers should be economically profitable, ensure the production of more high-quality products with relatively less additional costs of production means and labor. Field experiments are often a long-term and costly undertaking. In order to eliminate these shortcomings, they resort to using economic and mathematical methods in the practice of an agrochemical experiment to optimize the fertilizer system.

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