Research article
Issue: № 1 (17), 2021


The current paper presents a comparative analysis of the working conditions of the agro-industrial complex (AIC) in the digital and industrial economy, with the digital economy described as the automation of social and information processes related to economy. The trends in differences identified in the article determine the future trajectories of Russian enterprises. The study examines the tasks set for achieving the intended goals while taking into account the influence of trends in the development of information technology markets. The knowledge of an individual along with their scientific and practical experience is examined as a "black box" model. The study defines the concept of a "creative person" from the point of view of the digital economy in a construction enterprise and pays particular attention to the concept of "system thinking". In accordance with these principles, a person is considered as a physiological system, on the one hand, which is inherent, for example, in the circulatory system, while on the other hand, a person is a social system that interacts with other models that form new systems – families, ethnic groups, etc. This interaction occurs at the level of public institutions, individuals, and individual circulatory systems, such as direct blood transfusions.

The study concludes that business requires the use of information technologies, computer networks, and modern communications in unity with the integrity of humans themselves as a living and social being who has the ability to concentrate to achieve the desired goals.

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