Научная статья
Выпуск: № 3 (4), 2017


The study of the impact of anthropogenic factors on natural soil is possible to trace when studying natural soil agrogenic catenas. This research was conducted on Southern Primorie in the experimental fields. Granulometric composition of the soil catena first element is coarse-silty light loam. In general, studied soils have low anti-erosion resistance. These soils have enough water-stable structure and a satisfactory ability to aggregation in agrohumic horizon. In the eluvial horizon metamorphic indicators erosion constants decrease, suggesting greater vulnerability of soil material by water currents. In general, studied soils have low anti-erosion resistance. Second element of the soil catena have stable homogeneous particle size distribution throughout the soil profile: silty light clay - light silty clay sandy - silty clay medium - light silty clay. Ability to aggregation is sufficient in all genetic horizons. Anti-erosion resistance is high. Third element of the soil catena have heavy granulometric composition in general. Erosion resistance of soil, based on the results obtained structural factors and the factor of dispersion, as well as at special erosion studies the authors confirmed the high stability of the erosion control of dark humic horizon, average - gley stability and low erosion control - parent rock. The content of heavy metals in agrogenic soil catena isn´t exceeds the maximum allowable concentration (MAC). Studying catena is representative to the conditions of formation of soils across agrogene Southern Primorie floodplain hilly - ridged district.

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Список литературы

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